Rail and Ramp Alignment
Your rails need to be narrowed as much as possible at the tailgate end. If your rails are not touching the rear roller on the tailgate panel then your rails are too wide. View the video below starting at the 13:32 time mark to see how to narrow and center your rails followed by aligning your ramps.
Rail Level
If you have a LimitedHDx edition on your Ford, and you are having issues with the end caps getting smashed by the tailgate, or the rails need to be adjusted up or down, here is how you can get that situation resolved.
From inside your truck bed, with the tailgate shut, you will want to loosen the bolts on the Boxlink system at the tailgate end.
Once loosened, nudge the rails up, or down, as needed just a bit. Check the positioning of the end cap and see how it sits on the tailgate. It should be sitting evenly on top of the tailgate as seen below.
Once you have the end caps sitting flush with the tailgate, retighten the bolts on your Boxlink system.
If the rails need adjustment at the cab end also, then repeat the above steps as needed to the Boxlink system by the cab.
If you have any further questions, please email us at support@peragon.com