Wash the cover like you wash your truck. If you take it through a car wash, be sure to lock it, as the blowers can push it open.
Waxing the Cover
Maintain an effective coat of wax. This will make it easier to remove snow and ice as well as eliminate water spots and minor blemishes. It will also improve the cover’s ability to shed water, which will improve its water resistance. Be sure to keep wax off of the seals to prevent white film.
Here are some good wax options:
- Meguiars Instant Detailer
- Mothers Synthetic Liquid
- STP Son-of-a-Gun for the seals
- Collinite
- Turtle Wax Ice Wax.
Do not use automotive waxes containing solvent on the Classic Black or Arctic White bed covers.
Cleaning the Rails
Wipe the inside of the rails out with a wet rag a couple times per year. Do not lubricate the rails. Use a silicone based spray and apply to a rag. Wipe the sides of the panel seals and panel edges to clean them.
Cold Weather Tips
Occasionally, the seal can freeze against the tailgate. Try rapping on the panel to break it loose from the tailgate. If that doesn’t work, you can try NAPA Sil-Glide available at any NAPA auto parts store.
Apply silicone spray or automotive wax to the fuzzy side of the inboard rail seal to repel water and/or reduce the likelihood of ice binding to it.
Lubrication Points
The cover is shipped with no lubrication. We recommend that you apply a small amount of silicone to the hinges prior to installing the cover and periodically thereafter to ensure smooth operation and prevent rust.
- Do not use any lubricant that is identified as a “dry” product. Dry products use solvents that will damage paint. We recommend silicone spray or WD-40.
- Apply the lubricant to the surface of the metal hinges and at the hinge pivot points as shown below. Other than this, no lubrication is required.
- Do not put grease or oil in the rail because this will collect dirt and cause problems.