Please do not substitute packing material of your own. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Repacking Panel Assembly
Place a wad of the foam sheet under the long lock rod. If your cover doesn’t have this rod, go to the next step.
Place parts into the install kit box, tape the box well and place it in the cover box as shown. There should be nothing on top of the panel with the lock on it. Shipping damage will occur if there is and this will be deducted from your refund.
Put the lid on and tape securely with packing tape.
Repacking the Rails
Ensure that the foam sheeting is placed on top of first rail. Place foam along the entire length.
Place the second rail on top of the foam with the painted surfaces facing each other. The tops of the rails should nest over one another as shown below. Line them up with the length of foam securely between them the entire length. You may have already installed the weather seal, which is fine. You can leave it on the rail cross piece or you can pull it off and throw it away. Wrap foam around the rail cross piece and place it on the rails so that it nests on them.
Wrap both ends of the rails and the rail cross piece with the plastic wrap as shown. Plastic wrap from the kitchen will work well! Slide components into the box for shipment. Pack both ends of the box with foam provided prior to sealing with shipping tape.