Level Rail
It’s important that the rails be level in order for the panels to roll back and forth smoothly. Stand behind your truck about five feet and look at each rail. It’s just like checking a picture on the wall. You can tell immediately if it’s level or not. The end cap tab should be flush with the top of your tailgate or slightly tilted up a degree.
To level out your rails, bend the bracket legs up or down per the video below starting at the :20 time mark. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must loosen the Peragon rail from each clamp before bending the clamp leg.
Rail and Ramp Alignment
Your rails need to be narrowed as much as possible at the tailgate end. If your rails are not touching the rear roller on the tailgate panel then your rails are too wide. View the video below starting at the 18:20 time mark to see how to narrow and center your rails followed by aligning your ramps.