If your lock is not working, here are a few items to check that may be causing your lock issues:
1. Check to make sure your gas springs are not hitting the front brackets of your cover during extension. Loosen your brackets and move them to a new location if necessary.
2. Make sure your gas springs are installed with the piston end (skinny side) facing down, attached to the ramp.
3. Check that the lock rods have a clear path into the rails. If they're rubbing, you may need to adjust your rail. It's likely that the frame is tilting upward.
You'll want to make sure that these are checked after you have had your cover in the closed and locked position for 24-48 hours per your installation manual. If this doesn't solve it, then you'll need a new lock/key assembly. Please email us at support@peragon.com with your order number / name / email address and we'll get that on the way to you!